Dec 22, 2008

Amazing Awareness - Gluten Free Search Engine

I just read on another blog, The Savy Celiac, about gluten free fox, the first gluten free search engine. It was just launched and announced in a press release today.

I did some searches using this new search engine. Instead of having to keep typing gluten free before whatever product you are searching for, you can simply type "snack bar" and results appear for tons of gluten free snack bars. While searches I did for "prescription medicines" and "hot dogs" still included some not gluten free results, I still quickly found lots of gluten free information. When I searched for "cookies", I was impressed to see that the results on the first five pages were almost exclusively gluten free. There were over 50 pages of search results for "cookies"and as page numbers increased, there were a lot more gluten results mixed with gluten free.

A search for "gluten free restaurants" produced over 50 pages of results that appeared to be exclusively gluten free, which is similar to the results I got on google. What amazed me the most was when I typed in "Advil", the first page of search results provided information telling me that it is gluten free. I will definitely be using this search engine for all my gluten free searches!


noosh. said...

thanks for this link- it's a great tool!

Kristen said...

Thanks so much for mentioning GlutenFreeFox! I've just added your site directly into the search engine, though it may take a few hours to show up.
We also really appreciate the feedback. We are working day and night to filter the results to ensure that only good, gluten-free information is provided (of course, the ads are not as customized).
If you or anyone has any feedback or suggestions, we love to hear it!
Thanks so much!!