I am in second grade, and I do not have celiac disease. I found Eating Gluten-Free with Emily at my school library, and my mom asked me if I wanted to do a review on her blog. This book is for ages three to seven and was written in 2003. I think it left out some stuff and didn’t really give enough detail, but overall it was a good book. I think it should have added that not everyone has to go to the hospital to find out they have celiac disease. It said gluten is wheat, rye, and barley, but it didn’t say anything about oats. Oats have gluten in them unless they are certified gluten-free. I didn’t like that it didn’t say much about cross-contamination.
I did like that it mentioned how to order food in restaurants. The book said when you order a hotdog, you say "Hot dog, no bun please…What kind of ketchup? Are your fries fried with anything?" It says you should ask questions in restaurants. The book is right! You must always make sure what you are ordering is gluten-free. Check your library before buying Eating Gluten-Free with Emily!
I did like that it mentioned how to order food in restaurants. The book said when you order a hotdog, you say "Hot dog, no bun please…What kind of ketchup? Are your fries fried with anything?" It says you should ask questions in restaurants. The book is right! You must always make sure what you are ordering is gluten-free. Check your library before buying Eating Gluten-Free with Emily!
Thank you for the book review! You're right about oats. There are sources for GF oats -- my MD will not let me have those either, though. Now, I wonder -- do you also cook? What do you like to cook? bake?
I would give your review an AAA plus! Your Mom is lucky to have you because you can help her with GF things.
I enjoyed it very much!
Your Mom's friend, Ginger
Thanks you for the review. I think you should write and illustrate a Gluten-Free book for us. You seem to know a lot about it. Hope you have a nice night.
Terrific review! I'm amazed you could get across your message in such a brief review. I could take lessons from you. Well done!
I'm like Linda on the oats. I have a little bit of the gluten-free oats now and then, but not too much. I think there are many of us who are sensitive to even those.
Hope we'll hear from you some more! :-)
Good review! It's interesting that you don't have celiac, yet you've made sure to learn a lot about it for your mom. Do you know anyone else who has celiac? Anyone at school, maybe?
Good review! It's interesting that you don't have celiac, but you've learned so much about it so you can help your mom. Do you know anyone else at all who has celiac? Anyone at school, maybe?
My daughter does like to cook. I will post a review soon of two kid's baking products we made. She does not know anyone at her new school with celiac disease. When she was in kindergarten, a classmate had celiac disease, and in first grade, there was a girl in her class whose mom has celiac disease like me.
Wow what a smart girl! Thanks for ht ereview :)
Great writing! Thanks for sharing your book review with us and helping other people understand Celiac Disease! Keep writing, you have a talent :)
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